The Peace and Kindness Perspective.

Enjoy the flowers, clouds, sunsets, storms, stars, mountains, and all the people you encounter. Be with the world, in it and adoring it, but not needing to possess it. This the way of peace.
You can begin changing your view of judgment as a valuable or important activity by being aware of when you’re doing it to yourself.
- Simply start substituting noticing for judging; from this perspective, you’ll realize pretty quickly that you prefer to observe what you’re doing or feeling rather than critiquing yourself.
- Calling your behavior “bad” or “good” just pits you against yourself and others by using competition, punishment, or dislike as your motivational markers – hatred, anger, and threats become necessary because love, acceptance, and kindness can’t be trusted.

Re-source: Recourse
“The nature of your being is kindness.” It’s impossible to give to others what you are not, and you are not judgmental. You see yourself in everyone, without the need to criticize them or yourself.
- See yourself as flexible, since being open is the higher virtue.
- Pride yourself on extending your goodness and kindness to all sides, even when they oppose your preprogrammed learning.
- Begin to see yourself as a person who notices instead of judges.
- Avoid taking on position and sticking to it no matter what the circumstances are; rather, be in harmony with all people, especially those whose opinions conflict with yours!
- And remember to include yourself when dispensing kindness and non-judgment.
Craving from “Change your Thoughts, Change Your Life.” by Wayne Dyer