ICRAVE No Excuses

“Here lies the body of Jonathan J., Who died maintaining the right-of-way.  He was right, dead right, as he rode along, But just as dead as if he had been wrong!”

Ask… “What can I do to own the situation?” and “How can I be more careful?”

The Ultimate Excuse:  “It’s not my job.”

A job description – an outline detailing our specific roles and responsibilities.

  • It is a marvelous tool, but it can also become an excuse for not owning the problem at hand. 
  • It can keep us from finding creative solutions and cause others to think we don’t care.

Ask the Questions behind the questions such as…

  • “In Which area can I help you the most?”  
  • “What can I do to succeed with the tools and resources I already have?” 
  • “What can I do to make a difference?” 

Be creative.  Keep reaching.  You’ll find a way.

Re-source: Reembody

Organizations don’t serve people, individuals serve people.

  • The individual is accountable for providing outstanding service, and it’s the organization’s responsibility to fully support them in that effort. 
  • Remember – in the customers’ eyes the institution is only as good as the person they are interacting with at that moment. 
  • In other words, the individual is the organizations.

To add value, let’s ask questions such as…

  • “How can I best serve this person at this moment?”
  • “What words can I use to put them at ease?”
  • “How can I make the customer feel special?” 

“How can I serve?”  This is how we can unleash the power of personal accountability and build our own legacy of Service.

craving and resource from “Flipping the Switch” by John G. Miller