ICRAVE Mystical Divine Energy

A mystical opening – a sudden inflow of divine energy

  • Unusual calm, euphoria, and lightness. 
  • What the mystics of various religions have called a transformative state.
  • A rush of peacefulness, and all fear going away
  • “It seemed to come up my spine and out through the top of my head, lifting my body upward.  I felt as if I was floating.  As though there was a string pulling me upward from the top of my head.”

Re-source: Rekindle

Learn how to breathe in the beauty around you in order to rekindle the feeling

  • What is missing in your practice is breathing in the energy and then consciously maintaining it at a higher level. 

You must keep your energy flowing in more fully.  This must be done in a precise manner, taking care that your other actions do not erode your energy field once you have built it up.

The rest of your life must support your higher energy.  You must be congruent.  You must live wisely.

  • For instance, maintaining higher energy within oneself is impossible if one consumes dead matter as food.
  • If we seek higher energy and at the same time consume foods that rob us of this energy, we get nowhere.
  • We must assess all the energies we routinely allow in

craving and resource from “The Secret of Shambhala” by James Redfield