Eventually we find ourselves a part of the human assembly line surrounded by standardization, routine, and predictability.
- We find ourselves miserable in the mundane.
- One day we find ourselves looking in the mirror, wondering who we are and why we are.
Is life arbitrary, or is there meaning behind it? Am I unique or incidental?
Funny how we can be absolutely uncertain about what we are looking for and yet be absolutely certain we haven’t found it.
- We know we are searching for something; we just don’t know for what or even why.
What we are searching for is rooted in where we come from and in who we are.
- From you first breath you have been on a journey.
- There are things your soul longs for, and whether you have yet recognized it or not, your life is shaped by your search for them.
Wherever it takes us, we must search for meaning, strive for understanding, and struggle to make sense of life.
Re-source: Rediscover
become aware of (a fact or situation)
If you conclude that life is meaningless, you’ll find yourself struggling with fear, angst, and doubt.
- While mystery is a wonderful thing that makes us more alive, meaninglessness has a paralyzing effect.
We demean ourselves when we give up on finding meaning for our lives.
- We seemed destined to be tormented by cravings we cannot satisfy
- We live dissatisfied lives dead to our deepest longings.
- Without meaning we find ourselves consumed by phobias and controlled by superstitions.
You are on a quest to discover your own uniqueness
- Who are you?
- Why are you here?
- Where are you going?
craving and resource from “Soul Cravings” by Erwin Raphael McManus