The riot inside of you isn’t violent or destructive, but it does have one thing in common with traditional riots:
- Your riot is a place inside of you where you stand up and say that something is wrong.
- It’s where you turn your indignation into action.
- Simply put, finding your riot is how you find your purpose.
These questions might guide you along the way:
- “What do I believe is broken with the world?
- What specifically bothers you about how the world is working?”
- When you say, “I wish someone would just fix it,” there’s a good chance that person is you.
Re-source: Redirect
direct to a new or different place or purpose
Going forward with your life means doing something different, even risky, to benefit someone other than yourself.
- Are you operating off the same risk-averse script year after year?
- Going forward with your life requires walking into uncertainty.
- This doesn’t mean that you need to get your malaria shots and move to central Africa, but it does mean disrupting some old cycles in your life.
- The spirit is often willing, but the flesh is weak.
Belief in overnight success is life believing in the lottery?
- WE think, Maybe it will work out that way for me!
- We want our lives to have purpose and meaning, but we are hesitant to risk our time, talent, and identity unless we see some guarantee of reward.
What is your riot?
What is your cause?
Are you going forward with your life, or are you going backward?
Do you chase certainty and avoid chaos?
craving and resource from “A Selfish Plan to Change the World” by Justin Dillon