ICRAVE My “Inner Circle”

How To Turn Your Inner Circle Into A Wealth Creating Machine | PRIMAL TITANS

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

  • Who you are is who you attract.
  • In most situations, you draw people to you who possess the same qualities, values, and priorities you do.

“A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him or her.” 

– John C. Maxwell
  • While these concepts are often discussed in the context of business, they apply to success and significance in any and every domain of life.
    • whether that’s getting into better shape, eating better, being a great parent, improving your spiritual fitness, and so on.

If you want to experience tremendous success and make a real significant impact, you need to surround yourself with incredible people who help you maximize your full potential, and vice versa.

  • Emotions, thoughts, and habits are contagious.
  • We were made for relationships, and we all need other people to live our lives to our full potential.
  • Place a priority on loving people, seek to add value to them and their lives, and when you do, the better your life will be.

“Working to build a better self almost always means working to build a better community.”

Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness (Authors of Peak Performance)

The Key to Creating Value in Business

Re-source: Relation

the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected; a thing's effect on or relevance to another
  • Value people every day – You can’t look down on others and build them up at the same time.
    • Recognize people publicly, complement them in writing, and practice gratitude daily.
  • Make yourself more valuable to others – The quickest way to improve any relationship is to make yourself better so you have more to give others.
  • Put yourself in someone else’s world – Often, the best thing we can do for someone else is to recognize when they’re in a time of need and being present for them.
    • “A person starts to live when he can live outside himself.” – Albert Einstein
  • Focus on giving, not receiving – To foster great relationships, you have to want more for people than you want from them.
  • Be a consistent friend – Place a high value on your relationships, believe the best of people, and love unconditionally.
  • Create great memories for people – Wherever you are, be there.
    • No matter how big or small the moment may seem to you, you can make them special for others by being present and intentional with your time, thoughts, and actions.
  • Move towards the kinds of relationships you desire – Put yourself in position to meet and spend time with the kind of people who share your values and priorities, and who think positively.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com