Listen to your inner callings, ignore how others might want to direct your life energies, and allow yourself to radiate outward what you feel so profoundly and deeply within you.
There is a reservoir of talent, ability, and intelligence inside of you that’s as endless and inexhaustible.
Whatever you feel within you as your calling – whatever makes you feel alive – know in your heart that this excitement is all the evidence you need to have your inner passion become reality. This is precisely how creation works.

Re-source: Recreate
create again
Be creative – in your thoughts, in your feelings, and in all of your actions. Apply you own uniqueness to everything you undertake.
Being creative means trusting your inner calling, ignoring criticism or judgment, and releasing resistance to your natural talents.
Seek the joy in activities rather than focusing on ego’s agenda.
Allow rather than to try.
- Allow that essential center of pure love to activate your unique usefulness.
- Allow thoughts that emerge to enter your physical self and then leave.
- Allow and let go, just like your breathing.
Vow to spend some time each day just being attentive to the awesome power of your imperceptible vital essence.
craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Wayne Dyer