ICRAVE My Full Capability

Image result for Capability

“It was always me versus the world until I found it’s me versus me”  

Kendrick Lamar

That’s where most of us start.  We think that there’s something outside that we’re struggling against.

  • We think that the world is against us and we’re raging against something but we don’t even know what we are raging against.
  • You fight to make your way and try to accomplish something incredible, you may find that you’re not making any headway.

Finally begin to break through and build something extraordinary.

  • Realize that it was always you trying to figure out how to become the best version of yourself.
    • Once you grasp that and let the noise die away, you stop worrying about what other people think, want, have, or have accomplished.

Ask these simple questions:

  • How extraordinary can I become?
  • What am I capable of?
  • What are my limits?
  • How far can i push myself?
  • In this time that I have on this earth exactly how much of my potential can I wring out of myself?
  • How much can I become capable of?
  • What can I build?
  • How can I change this world?

 Push yourself to get better every day.

Image result for strenth and growth

Re-source: Recondition

to condition (a person, a person's attitudes, etc.) anew

When you let go of trying to move mountains to please and change the world, you will realize that a far harder struggle awaits you.

  • Becoming something new
  • Becoming something different
  • Finding out who you are

When building yourself piece by piece, until finally you realize what it takes to actually become a better version of yourself, you realize that it takes nothing less than your everything your total commitment.

  • Every bit of focus that you have
  • A willingness to break yourself down so that you can build yourself back up

If you’re willing to put in that effort, to transform, to feel, willing to change, and fight, and struggle; you will be rewarded with growth.

  • You’ll be rewarded with improvement
  • You’ll be rewarded with the ability to close your eyes imagine a world, and then open your eyes and make that world come true

craving and resource from “Impact Theory” with Tom Bilyeu