ICRAVE My Divine Potential

Your divine potential can often be heard speaking to you through your conscience, which lets you know when you have acted inappropriately. 

  • We all have felt the heavy, gut-wrenching sensation of guilt when we have judged another, broken our word, or passed up an opportunity that came our way. 
    • If you look closely at this feeling, you can sense that it is the result of repressing or acting against your divine potential. 
  • Conversely, you can also recognize the feeling of cellular harmony and health that comes from acting with love, compassion, generosity, and friendship.

Your divine
potential also speaks to your through your dreams.

  • Since the earliest days of written history and probably long before, dreams have provided a symbolic pathway to our hidden fears and desires. 
  • By revealing to us the language in which our psyche speaks, dreams illuminate not only the dilemmas or opportunities that we may be facing right now but also the very way our soul visualizes those situations. 
  • Sigmund Freud called dreams “the royal road to the unconscious”
  • Carl Jung, and many others have all presented elaborate methods for interpreting dreams through their complex symbolic imagery

Your divine potential is the fullest expression of your spirit; it is discovering the depths of your capacity to create and to express love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and wisdom. 

  • Your divine potential becomes more audible as you release your need to know why things happen as they do. 
  • It becomes more perceptible as you decide to look beyond the physical plane of life, past what the Hindus and Buddhists call maya, or illusions. 
  • Never revealing its full measure at once, your potential motivates you to discover the greater purpose and meaning of your life.

Re-source: Reveal

Connection occurs between you and the Divine.

  • We will all be introduced to the Divine through ordinary and extraordinary experiences, even if spiritual messengers are not involved.
    • For instance, the divine influence is evident when a cluster of disasters occurs in a remarkably short period of time and reroutes your life.
      • (Dis-aster” means “from the stars,” indicating a long-held belief that bad things happen for reasons known by the heavens.” 
  • Or an unforeseen opportunity might present itself. 
  • The Divine might also be revealed through dreams, extraordinary “coincidences,” a transcendent experience of the natural world, or during prayer or meditation. 
  • The hallmark of a divine experience, regardless of what form it takes, is that it gets your attention and leads you to think something out of the ordinary might be happening to you. 
  • Divine encounters will be ongoing as opposed to one-time phenomena.
    • That does not mean that disasters will be continuous, but it does mean that once you make a conscious connection with divine energy, that presence is forever within your awareness and life.

Heeding the Call:  Having been awakened, you apply new wisdom to your life at hand.

An old
Zen saying has it, “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.  After enlightenment, chop wood and carry

Once you feel the stirrings of initial contact with the Divine, look for ways to act on that experience. 

  • Ram Dass has said emphatically that genuine spiritual awakening always manifests as a desire to be of service to others. 
  • That service can take myriad forms – parenting, teaching, counseling, healing, volunteering, or any form of creative work – as long as its underlying goal is to help others realize their divine potential in some for. 
  • As Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew, “By their fruits will you know them,” and in many of his parables he places acts of compassion above religious practices. 

Your compassionate acts are the physical manifestation of all the inner spiritual work you are doing.

craving and resource from "Sacred Contracts" by Carolyn Myss