What do I believe is right? What should my motives be?
- Until you choose your own motives, you really can’t choose to live your own life.
- Everything flows out of motives and motivation.
- They are the root of our deepest desires
- The question is which motives we will put first in our lives.
Independent will is…
- Our capacity to act
- To transcend our paradigms
- To act based on principles rather than reacting based on emotions, moods or circumstances
What do you believe is right? What are your deepest moral convictions? What should you do with your life? What motives do you need to change?
Re-source: Reaffirm
Think about and/or write the script you usually tell yourself
Now re-write that script
- What can you affirm about yourself? What is good/great about yourself and the contribution you make?
Affirm: “It is my life! I can choose how to use my time and energy. I can choose to get angry or not. I can choose to exercise in the morning. I can choose whether I want to make reconciliation with this person. I can choose my own motives.”
craving and resource from “Primary Greatness” by Stephen Covey