ICRAVE Moments

Why are moments so important?  Because moments allow you into a person’s heart. 

  • Moments can be formal or informal, but the key is to seize every opportunity to create positive, memorable, life-changing moments for the people around you.

Moments will happen whether they intentionally create them or not.

Good and bad moments happen daily. 

Your goal is to have the good outweigh the bad, either in intensity or number. 

Re-source: Refocus

“We have everything we need to create the success of our dreams:  A miraculous body, a phenomenal brain, and a vast and powerful subconscious mind.  Now it’s just a matter of focusing them in the right direction.”

“If you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come.”

craving and resource from “Chicken soup for the Entrepreneur’s soul” by Jack Canfield