ICRAVE Mind-Body Relationship Understanding

Compare your relationship with your mind to your body.

  • You only think about your body when there is a problem
  • In contrast you think about psychological well-being all the time
  • “What if I get put on the spot?”  “What should I say?” “Can I trust him?”  

That conscious anxious inner talk is a form of suffering.

  • This is the suffering of having to think of yourself all the time
    • Why are so many thoughts about “I” “Me” or “My”?
  • Look how often you think about how you are doing, whether you like things or not, and how to rearrange the world to please yourself.
    • You think like this because you are not OK inside and you are constantly trying to make yourself feel better.

Inner sensitivity is a symptom of non well-being

  • It’s the same as when the body sends pain
    • Pain is not bad, it is how the body talks to you
      • When you over-eat you get a stomach ache, too much stress on you arm makes it soar
  • You psyche is communicating through its universal language: fear, self-consciousness, jealousy, insecurity, anxiety.  They are all fear
    • If you mistreat an animal, it displays fear.  This is what happens to your psyche.

Re-source: Reality Check

What do you say to your mind?

  • “I want everyone to like me.   I don’t want anyone to speak badly of me.  I want everything that I say and do to be acceptable and pleasing to everyone.  I don’t want anyone to hurt me.   I don’t want anything to happen to me that I don’t like. And I want everything to happen to me that I do like.”

Then you say…

  • Now mind, find a way to make everyone of these things a reality.  Even if you have to think about it day and night. 

Of course your mind says “I’m on the job,” ”I will work on it constantly.”

  • The mind has to try to make it so that everything you say is said the right way, taken the right way, and has the right effect on everybody.
  • It has to make sure that everything you see is interpreted and seen the right way and that nobody does anything to hurt you.
  • It has to make sure that you get everything that you want and that you don’t ever get what you don’t want.
  • The mind is constantly trying to give you advice about how to make it all OK

This is why the mind is so active

  • You gave it an impossible task to do
    • Its like giving you body the task to lifting a large tree
    • Your body would get sick if it was forced to keep doing things that it is incapable of doing.

Signs of the body breaking are pain and sickness. The signs of the mind breaking are fear and constant unpleasant neurotic thought.

craving and resource from “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer