ICRAVE Mind-Body Connection

Mind-body connection relates to our mood, our overall wellness, our outlook on life and ultimately, whether we get what we want out of that life.

  • Nonphysical things like our thoughts, emotions, and moods affect our bodies
    • Anger, fear, joy, love each have specific effects on our physiology
  • By sending out wishful vibes (dreams), you are actually preconditioning your body to experience the results you desire

You may think that your thoughts are just thoughts.  That they are inside your head and that’s where they end. Dead Wrong!

  • The way you think (even in the deepest parts of your subconscious) affects your behavior in ways that you can’t see.
  • Your behavior in turn shapes your reality.

Re-source: Reprogram

If there is something you want and you believe you can achieve it, you’ll automatically conduct yourself more assertively and confidently.  You will feel successful even if you haven’t achieved it yet.

  • The things you think in general, especially about yourself form the basis of your every action
  • Feeling strong and confident frees you to take the powerful actions needed to get powerful results.

craving and resource from “Unlimited – How to build an exceptional life”  by: Jillian Michaels