ICRAVE Mental Toughness

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Mental toughness is a vital trait. Yet it is not something that comes naturally or easily to most people. Rather, it is a badge that must be earned, and even after you earn it, you must work diligently to maintain it.

Another word for mental toughness is grit, which is defined as the ability to work hard and respond resiliently to failure and adversity

  • the inner quality that enables individuals to work hard and stick to their long-term passions and goals.
  • Grit is a mandatory quality of every successful person
    • mental toughness is the very foundation for long-term success.

Mental toughness allows for delayed gratification.

  • It helps withstand temptation.
  • It’s essential to overcome fear.
  • It’s synonymous with being brave and courageous.
  • Mentally tough people consistently do what’s right because they know what’s important.

Image result for re-cultivate mental toughness

Re-source: Re-cultivate

Here are some ways you can cultivate grit and mental fortitude, and as a result, stack the odds in your favor to be more successful:

  • Act like you are in control. Ignatius is credited for saying, “Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you.” Always act as if success or failure is totally within your control, and either way, take responsibility.
  • Put aside things you have no ability to impact. Even with plenty of practice, mental strength is still a limited resource. So, don’t waste your mental toughness on things you can’t control.
  • See the past as valuable training and nothing more. The past is an incredible teacher. Learn from your mistakes and those of others. And also glean from your successes. Then let it go. All of it.
  • Celebrate the success of others. Success is not a zero-sum game. Embrace an abundance mindset (and abandon the scarcity mindset). Resentment sucks up an enormous amount of mental resources. Remember, birds of a feather flock together. Use others’ successes as a springboard for your own.
  • Never allow yourself to whine, complain or criticize. Whining and complaining always make you feel worse, not better. Remember, words are powerful — even those words you whisper quietly to yourself. Don’t waste time complaining; instead, put that energy into making the situation better.
  • Focus only on impressing yourself. Don’t waste time, money and energy on “stuff” meant to impress others. Focus on creating genuine relationships that make you happier.
  • Count your blessings. When you wake up, before you turn out the light at night and all throughout the day, pause to count your blessings. Instead of worrying about what you don’t have, focus deeply on what you do have and be grateful.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” (changethatup.com)