ICRAVE Meditation Engagement Goals

Image result for why should i meditate

Research shows that mediation helps…

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce acute and chronic pain
  • Improve muscle response time
  • Relax diaphragm and internal organs
  • Increase breathing efficiency and lung capacity
  • Reduce anxiety and stress
  • Increase recognition of compulsive behavior patterns

The mind is a perpetual thought machine whose sole job is to think. 

  • It’s a loyal, indefatigable worker who will never let you down.

Don’t suppress thinking.  Surpass it.

  • Meditation is the art of gently returning – over and over again. 
    • This is why we call it meditation practice.

Why meditate?  (Your personal goal)

  • Physical health, such as lowering blood pressure
  • Mental health, such as lowering stress levels
  • Spiritual growth, such as seeking a closer connection to life
  • You suffer from acute or chronic physical pain.  You’ve heard or read that meditation might help with pain reduction.
  • You take medication for stress, anxiety, or hypertension.  Your doctor also recommends that you take up meditation.
  • You feel anxious and confused.  You need a way to “chill out” without resorting to martinis and tranquilizers.
  • Life is just dandy.  However, you’ve got “the blahs.”  You feel something is missing.  You don’t know quite what that is, but you’ve heard that some people find their answer in meditation.
  • You find yourself angry, irritable, and sometimes acting inappropriately.  You’ve heard meditation can help you get a better handle on your anger

Finish this sentence:

“Meditation is a process that can help me____________________________.”

Image result for creating a meditation practice

Re-source: Reengaged

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Whenever you meditate, you are engaged in a process, a “something” that demands your 100% complete focused awareness and attention. 

  • In this attention, you are active, but in a whole new way
    • a peaceful, calm way that allows you to cultivate a new relationship with your mind.
  • Meditation isn’t about “zoning out.”  It’s about “zoning in”
  • Meditation is a nonsectarian process of awareness.

When your mind is calm, focused, and accepting, you experience all aspects of life in a richer, fuller way. 

  • This is because you are not judging everything, but allowing it, moment by moment. 
  • This new way of seeing can result in the creation of more “life energy” as well as a desire to engage more fully with every aspect of life.

Meditation is about allowing the world in, not shutting it out

  • Meditation is allowing what is.
  • We welcome all outside intrusions, without any judgments or attempts to mute or muffle them.

Meditation opens you to an entirely fresh, peaceful, and rewarding relationship with the world, one that embraces everything and rejects nothing. 

Each time you meditate, you have the opportunity to cultivate a new way to live more peacefully and joyfully – in the midst of that wild and wonderful place known as daily life.

craving and resource from “8 Minute Meditation” – Quiet Your Mind.  Change Your Life – by Victor Davich

8 Minute Meditation Expanded: Quiet Your Mind. Change Your Life.