How you act, think, and feel creates your personality. Your personality creates your personal reality.
- So, if you want to change your life, then you have to start changing your personality.
- Most people try to create a new personal reality with the same personality but it doesn’t work. You literally have to become someone else.
If you keep thinking the same thoughts, making the same choices, doing the same behaviors; you reaffirm that identity that you call you,
- Over and over again you begin to hardwire your brain.
- 95% of your habits are set by the time you’re 35. These are emotional reactions, beliefs, and attitudes that function on a subconscious program.
- This repetition is the habit of your self. This is when you’ve done something so many times that your body is better at doing it than your mind.
- So, 95% of the people are unconscious 95% of the time.
- If you are not in the present moment, you are running a program.
The first step for you to create a new personality, is you got to think about what you have been thinking about and change it. Become aware of your unconscious behaviors and modify those. Become aware of your emotions that keep you anchored in the past, and you have to decide if those emotions belong in your future.
- New thoughts, information, and knowledge should lead to new choices. New choices should lead to new behaviors, and new behaviors should create new experiences. New experiences lead to new feelings and emotions, and new feelings and emotions will inspire new thoughts.
- The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you did the day before. The moment you start being conscious of those unconscious thoughts, the more aware you are.
Your brain is a record of the past. It’s a memory of everything you’ve learned and experienced to this moment.
- If feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences, and if those emotions are driving your thoughts, then you can’t think greater than you feel.
Are you thinking in the future or are you thinking in the past?

Resource: Realize
cause (something desired or anticipated) to happen
Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body. So how you feel creates a state of being.
- State of being is when mind and body are working together.
- When you say “I am…”, you are commanding your mind to a destiny.
Body as the mind does not know the difference of the emotion that you are fabricating by thought alone.
- The body is enslaved by the past. You can’t create a new future holding on to the emotions of the past.
- This is why people cling to their limitations.
Your body is addicted to those habits, And sends signals to your brains trying to make you return back to the familiar territory
The moment you leave the familiar habits (change the way you think feel and act), you will feel uncomfortable with the uncertainty, not being able to predict your future.
- But the moment you make that choice to enter from the old self to the new self, you step into the river of change.
Could you teach your body emotionally how you will feel in the future.
- That’s causing an effect! When you feel whole, you begin to heal. When you feel empowered you will be successful. When you feel you are worthy enough, you will feel abundant. When you fall in love with life and with yourself, you will find an equal. Or they’llĀ find you.
- Feel gratitude first, and what you want to be manifested will be received.
Combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion, and you will have gone from living in the past to living in your future.
- Can you see a future that you cannot sense with your senses yet?
- The newest neuroscience shows that you can change your brain just by thinking.
craving and resource from “You are the Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza