By learning to control, focus and correctly use our personal power, we have the ability to manifest a life by design.
- Most individuals are unaware of the power they possess.
- Consequently, they unwittingly create a roller-coaster of both positive and negative events in their reality.
- Without knowledge of this power, a person is blindly moving through life.
The subconscious mind which is in continuous contact with the universal mind is the personal control console by which we create.
- By delicately aligning with it and using the language it knows best a person can provide and deliver instructions in a manner that it completely understands.
- Any mental images either consciously or unconsciously generated are totally understood by the subconscious portion of the mind.
- Consequently, our day dreams, especially those with great feeling attached, largely dictate our reality.
- It interprets day dreams and imaginations as desired future events.
- Therefore, our future is largely a reflection of the most emotionally charged recurrent images that we have displayed on the screen of our mind.
To use your power with any degree of control, the conscious mind must communicate with the subconscious mind using deliberate mental images and attached emotional states.
- It is also good practice to edit any mental images and thought that may want to persist.
- This is so the new request may be front and center in the mind
Our daydreams and willful imagining become programs and code to the creation of the future.
- Think of them as votes for events and conditions that you want to happen
The images most common in the mind program future reality.
- Until we each learn to manage these images, life will be a chaotic mess of good and bad events and repeats of past experiences.
- The things we love, believe, expect, fear, gripe about, anticipate and hate most frequently are the things of which our future will be composed.
By intentionally observing your thoughts, implementing positive imagination, and editing negative default imagery, you will form new habits that become automatic within the mind.
- These new habits will a future design by you
Re-source: Reenvision
The quality of visualization that you entertain is of the utmost importance.
- It is best to start with small things. If it is simple, it can happen faster.
When creating mental images of your future, do so from the perspective of being in the future event at the future time.
- See this new future through your own eyes, not as if you were watching yourself.
Reshape your reality by living in an “as if it is already happening” type of state.
- This is the most optimal standpoint to deliver these daydreams.
When using this type of deliberate mental imagery, feeling states are of extreme importance.
- Your subconscious mind understands feelings as its language.
- This is how it records events and its circumstances.
- Bodily sensation and emotion are the form of communication that it uses to understand its surroundings.
It’s crucial to achieve the end result feeling state desired rather than trying to dictate exactly how something will take place.
- When focusing solely on the end result feeling state aimed for, we match the vibrational frequency that attracts it to ourselves the easiest and most delightful way possible.
- The details are not of our concern.
The action of visualization is intended to be a fun part of the creation process
- It should produce joy, rather than resistance.
If you were to choose to bring more money into your life, the ideal focus would be on a version of yourself that already has money, abundance, and luxury.
- Begin to look through the eyes of this abundant you
craving and resource from “How to Use Your Mind the RIGHT Way to Create What You Want!” From Your Youniverse