When it comes to making changes, achieving goals and realizing your dreams, you must become the master at making time.
- You have to book time with yourself to do what needs to be done.
- If you’re trying to get in better shape, you have to schedule time for movement, meal prep, etc.
- If you’re trying to build a business, you have to book the time to plan, assess, evaluate and implement.
Making time declares that YOU matter. It’s a commitment to YOU and YOUR values, priorities and goals.
Making time is a crucial survival habit: if you don’t make time, time will be taken from you.
- You’ll be pushed and pulled by other obligations.
- Something will always come up, and there’s never a “perfect time”.
Whether it’s for your education, health, fitness, business or what have you, practicing making time also helps you practice valuable life skills, such as:
- Identifying what’s important to you
- Asking or negotiating for what you need and want
- Realistically assessing your own capacity
- Looking ahead, planning and preparing
- Anticipating obstacles
- Treating unexpected challenges as normal
Re-source: Revive
Take a 5-minute action: You have to do a very small action, every day, that move you toward your goals.
Taking a 5-minute action helps you get moving.
- It’s so easy to get stuck in “analysis paralysis”, procrastination and the “shoulds”.
- None of that helps us unless we do something.
- For example, as Jim Kwik says, “Don’t let your self-help books become shelf-help.”
Like making time, taking a 5-minute action teaches us valuable life skills and truths:
- Action comes before motivation, not the other way around.
- A tiny action helps us bust out of procrastination and “feeling stuck”.
- Often, all we need to do is push through the first few minutes of resistance, and we’re rolling.
- Small actions create momentum.
- Action is empowering.
- Action is satisfying.
- Action is evidence.
So, what are YOU waiting for? Book time with yourself and commit to taking a 5-minute action toward your top priority.
craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com