ICRAVE Making Time for Goals

Image result for Making Time for my goals

When it comes to making changes, achieving goals and realizing your dreams, you must become the master at making time.

  • You have to book time with yourself to do what needs to be done.
  • If you’re trying to get in better shape, you have to schedule time for movement, meal prep, etc.
  • If you’re trying to build a business, you have to book the time to plan, assess, evaluate and implement.

Making time declares that YOU matter. It’s a commitment to YOU and YOUR values, priorities and goals.

Making time is a crucial survival habit: if you don’t make time, time will be taken from you.

  • You’ll be pushed and pulled by other obligations.
  • Something will always come up, and there’s never a “perfect time”.

Whether it’s for your education, health, fitness, business or what have you, practicing making time also helps you practice valuable life skills, such as:

  • Identifying what’s important to you
  • Asking or negotiating for what you need and want
  • Realistically assessing your own capacity
  • Looking ahead, planning and preparing
  • Anticipating obstacles
  • Treating unexpected challenges as normal

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Re-source: Revive

Take a 5-minute action: You have to do a very small action, every day, that move you toward your goals.

Taking a 5-minute action helps you get moving.

  • It’s so easy to get stuck in “analysis paralysis”, procrastination and the “shoulds”.
    • None of that helps us unless we do something.
    • For example, as Jim Kwik says, “Don’t let  your self-help books become shelf-help.”

Like making time, taking a 5-minute action teaches us valuable life skills and truths:

  • Action comes before motivation, not the other way around.
  • A tiny action helps us bust out of procrastination and “feeling stuck”.
  • Often, all we need to do is push through the first few minutes of resistance, and we’re rolling.
  • Small actions create momentum.
  • Action is empowering.
  • Action is satisfying.
  • Action is evidence.

So, what are YOU waiting for? Book time with yourself and commit to taking a 5-minute action toward your top priority.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com