ICRAVE Loving Myself

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The best thing that you could do to become stronger is love yourself.

“Loving yourself is a practice.”

Kamal Ravi Kahn

People think that it's something that's gonna feel right

  • that it's gonna feel natural
  • that you're just gonna turn inward and there is this spark of love and joy for yourself, inside yourself

The truth is that it's just not the human experience. That's not the way that it works.

  • There's gonna be a voice inside your head and it's going to blame you.
    • it's gonna say that it's your fault
  • It doesn't matter how many times people on the outside tell you that "it is not true; that this thing happened to you, that it isn't you, it doesn't define you."
  • There will be a voice that's going to tell you that it does and that's where you have to fall back on process of loving yourself.
Image result for practice becomes 2nd nature

Re-source: Realize

You literally have to practice loving yourself

  • knowing that it's okay
  • that no matter what happened, there is absolutely nothing that invalidates that you're worthy of your own love

But you've got to practice it

  • You've got to be willing to do it.
  • You've got to be willing to put in the reps you've got to know that it's not always gonna feel right.

You've got to know there is a vision of your life where you actually do love yourself.

  • because you took the time to say it
  • because you took the time to practice it
  • because you took the time to sit there and feel stupid and say that you love yourself
    • and sometimes just putting in the work is what you need to do to get strong
      • so put in the work

craving and resource from "Self-Motivate" - Tom Bilyeu Motivational Speech
