ICRAVE Loving My Self to the Core

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When will it be that we stop justifying, people pleasing, looking outside ourselves for validation about our worth that we know comes from within?

  • Maybe if we felt that true depth of worth and love for ourselves, we wouldn’t constantly be comparing to everyone else.
    • looking at others and feeling that if they succeed, that means I must fail.
      • If they’re good, I must be bad.
    • This natural scarcity and this feeling of competition with all those around us.

We judge ourselves and others over and above what is necessary.

  • What if instead of weight loss, we did judgement loss?
    • letting go of all that scarcity that we have.
      • That feeling of unworthiness.

It is possible for us to look in the mirror and see true beauty and love.

  • With a depth that includes compassion, kindness and true love.

Negative emotions cause nervous system chaos, while positive emotions bring the nervous system into alignment. 

  • We make better choices for our lives and for our health when we come from a positive emotional space.

We have on average 70,000 thoughts in a single day?  98% of those thoughts are repeats from yesterday.  About 80% of them are negative, towards ourselves or somebody else.

  • How do you think all of that negativity is making you feel?

Ditch your negative thoughts. 

  • That leaves you with over 68,000 thought that you could instead say the words: thank you
    • thank you for this day, thank you for my friend.
  • You could find 68,000 thing in a day that are for sure going to positively impact your life, and inspire you much more than those negative thoughts.

Learn how to breathe in a way that is actually supportive to you.

  • Take time every single day to breathe.
  • Breathe into that heart space and feel the love.
  • Positive emotions will keep you heart strong.
  • Breathe into your core.
Image result for self love

Re-source: Recondition

One of the first and most basic fundamental needs that we have as humans is a connection through love, a bond.

  • Love, is one of those first things we feel, but we go through these experiences in life that shut us down a little.

Positive emotions actually strengthen the integrity of our heart, and we can literally harden our own arteries of our heart through negative emotion.

  • Gratitude is that secret ingredient.
  • Innercise before exercise
    • It’s the innercise, the inside work, that is absolutely necessary.
  • You are worthy.  That never needs to change.  Trust that knowledge.

We have such ingrained patterns, neural pathways that we have created, formulated from all those stories we’ve told our selves. 

  • All those experiences where we made ourselves the bad guy.

There is no survival adaptive benefit to being your own worst enemy.  None whatsoever. 

  • We can give it up.  It’s going to be uncomfortable, but it will feel good as you lay down those new neural networks filled with self-love.

It starts from the heart where you trust that the beliefs and the values that you live by are worthy. 

  • All we want is connection.  We want love.
  • What inspires you?  Greater self-love will inspire your life so cultivate more of it.
  • “Love the body and life you have, and you will have the body and life you love.”
    • Diets don’t work.  LOVE does.

Positive Self-Talk ONLY

  • Under no circumstances do you deserve to be berated for the fact that you missed the gym, or you ate a piece of cake, or you did anything.
    • You don’t deserve it, most definitely from yourself.  Make a pact.
    • There is no cheating, just choosing.

craving and resource from TEDx - "How to Love yourself to the Core" by Jen Oliver
