ICRAVE Love and Belonging

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We are designed for love

  • It seems humiliating to say it, but we need to be loved.  “I need to be loved.”
  • All of us have an intrinsic need to belong, and all of us are on a search for intimacy. 
  • No matter how many things about us are different, in this we are all the same – we all crave love. 
  • It is as if we are searching for a love we have lost. 
    • Or perhaps more strangely we are searching for a love we have never known but somehow sense it awaits us.

Where there is no love, there is no value for life. 

  • When you give up on love, everything else seems to go with it – joy, hope, forgiveness, compassion – they’re all interconnected.
  • The great danger of giving up on love is that we begin to give in to hate. A place where there is not love is toxic to the soul.
  • When hate consumes our hearts, all we can think of, all we desire, is to destroy.
    • When we allow bitterness, jealousy, envy, racism, lust, greed, and arrogance to fuel our souls, we create an environment within us to be agents of violence.
    • There are people all around us waiting to EXPLODE!  How many of us are walking around with fuses already lit?

Image result for People Making Connections

Re-source: Relationship

Contact with the real world – it’s not optional; it’s essential.  We are created for relationship.  We are born for community.  For us to be healthy, we must be a part of others. 

  • Independence is one thing; isolation is another.  The more we live disconnected lives, the more we become indifferent to the well-being of others.

We are born to belong, we are created for connection, and whether we admit it to ourselves or not, we spend our whole lives trying to fit in, get in, and stay in. 

  • It almost doesn’t even matter what “in” is; we just want to belong somewhere.
  • Whether we like it or not, much of our self-worth is rooted in how others feel or think about us. 
  • If we belong to no one, we begin to feel that we are worthless.  Because of this, we will do almost anything to belong to someone or to belong to something.
  • Part of the trauma of high school is trying to figure which clique you belong to.

Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. 

  • Home is about love, relationship, community, and belonging, and we are all searching for home.

“Our long journey will lead us back to where we began, but we return as changed people with new eyes to see what once we were blind to.”

from “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

craving and resource from “Soul Cravings” by Erwin Raphael McManus