Too often, we live our lives getting by.
- Doing things out of habit
- Going through the motions
- Putting out one fire after another
- Trying to keep our heads above water
- Trying to make ends meet
- Watching life pass us by
This is the human condition, and while there is beauty in it, you have to ask yourself:
What would it be like to live with purpose…with meaning…with intention?
The purpose of our lives isn’t always obvious or inherent. We may have to find or create it.
- Creating, discovering and defining your purpose is an ongoing process—one that may never end.
- So, like a sculpture, keep the process of refining going.
Start by asking some questions that open you to thinking about what is meaningful to you. This is called inquiry.
- There’s no right—or wrong—way to do the process of inquiry, except to turn toward the questions and possibilities.
Below are some guiding questions that open you to feeling meaning and new ways of seeing things.
- Who has helped make your work feel more meaningful?
- Who are the people that you are most moved to help?
- What experiences have you gone through that “pre-qualify” you to help others?
- In other words, how can your life experiences be leveraged to help others?
- What have you done in your life that has felt meaningful to you?
- What types of books, movies, courses, etc., have you found that really speak to you?
- Who has inspired you the most?
- Who do you feel like you’ve inspired the most?
- Where do you feel like your talents flow most naturally?
After you ask these questions, spend time in silence and listen.
- Make notes. Listen some more.
- This can be tricky for many people because it often requires silence and solitude, things that you may not be comfortable with.
Re-source: Re-Empowered
make stronger and more confident again, especially in controlling their life
Take action. Too often, folks make the mistake of thinking they need clarity before they can take action, but it actually works the other way around. Action creates clarity.
- Start by…helping one person…then another…and another.
- Create something for someone. Share that creation with others.
- Be a part of something. Start something new.
- Write about what you learned about yourself and the process.
Every day, ask what one thing you could do to live your purpose out.
- Eventually, you will begin to have a bigger and bigger vision for what you can do with this purpose.
- Now bring that vision into your daily life.
Do everything you can to the best of your ability.
- This doesn’t mean exhausting yourself. It means doing each thing with intention, care and purpose.
- Rather than going through the motions as many of us are prone to do.
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