When we act from passion, when it is a presence in our lives, we flow.
- Flow, a heightened state of experience during which we become so absorbed in our activities that we lose all sense of time.
- We become active participants in life rather than passive observers.
- We perform better by others’ estimations and become happier on our own.
- We surprise even ourselves when we realize all we have accomplished.
So why do we not live as if life were of great interest to us? Why do we not get engaged in things that really get us going? We should, of course.
- One with a passion for helping might teach English to immigrants without loving the language.
- Or run recreational programs for the elderly without caring much about games.
- What counts to such people is helping others, whatever it takes.
The key to your happiness will be to weave all these threads of passion in and out of your life as it changes.
- Writing, (even though it may not a passion) leads to discover new things about yourself and therefore feeds your passion for self-awareness.
Re-source: Reflection
One key to achieving this enrichment in your life, is to view your life as comprehensive rather than compartmentalized.
- Your life is a continuum of experiences, a complex rubric of events and emotions that feed one into another.
- In some way each experience reflects something about you, something from within you.
- But when we divide life into areas, viewing experiences at home and work as somehow different, and experiences with our children and our friends as categorically distinct, passion may leave us.
Passionate people often have life missions rather than careers.
- The work they do at any time reflects something about their personality, something they are committed to, something they always want to be learning or doing.
Letting passion into your life is a personal revelation. Keeping it there is a grand achievement. Using it to lead you to your dreams is the work of a lifetime.
craving and resource from “The Passion Plan” by Richard Chang