ICRAVE Living a stress-free tranquil life

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Stress is familiar, and tranquility is unfamiliar

  • Our ego desires stress.  But there’s no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs.

When we think stressfully, we create reactions in the body – valuable messages or signals requesting our attention. 

  • These messages might reveal themselves as nausea, elevated blood pressure, stomach tension, indigestion, ulcers, headaches, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and a zillion other feelings
  • From minor discomfort to serious, life-threatening illness.

Remind yourself to “Stop taking yourself so goddamn seriously!” 

  • Then you can immediately make the shift from pissed to blessed. 
  • You can then start take the focus off of yourself, and at the same time, remove resistance to living a stress-free and tranquil life.

Here are some helpful habits for creating a stress-free, tranquil life:

  • Remember that your natural state is joy
  • Your thoughts, not the world, cause your stress.
  • You can change your thoughts of stress in any given moment, and eliminate the anxiety for the next few moments, or even hours and days.
  • Monitor your stressful thoughts by checking on your emotional state right in the moment.
  • Make a conscious choice to select a thought that will activate good feelings.
  • Spend some time observing babies, and vow to emulate their joy.
  • Practice being in silence and meditation.
  • Stay in a state of gratitude and awe.

Re-source: Reprogram

program again or differently

“Do I stay with thoughts that produce stress within me, or do I work to activate thoughts that make stress impossible?”

Replace your old habit of responding in stress-producing ways, by responding with positivity and acceptance

  • “I’ll never get it done” – Simply accept the fact that you’ll never get it all done, and begin to live more fully in the only moment that you have – now! 
  • “I am incomplete.” – Accept that you are complete in your incompleteness! Choose to feel good while you are in the moment, and attract into your life the manifestations of your desire.

The shape and quality of your thoughts determine the amount of your resistance.

  • Feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.
  • Why would you choose to create “Dis-ease” in your life?
  • Sleep and dream of joy. 

Use these magic words that will help you replace the habit of choosing anxiety and stress.

  • I want to feel good!  I intend to feel good! 

craving and resource from “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer