ICRAVE Listening

Dog Listening

Listening is the foundation of any productive conversation.

  • It is easy to fall into a pattern of projecting your own issues and experiences onto other people’s words.
  • We read into things they say based on our own inner-dialogue or try to figure them out based on what we know by our own motives.
  • We give advice or reply based on our own frame of reference.
  • Unless we are listening our conversation can turn into just two people giving speeches

Listening is very important because everyone looks at the world through different eyes.

  • Our different cultural backgrounds and life experiences have shaped the way we think and feel.
  • Some of us come from a scarcity mentality and others from an abundance mentality.

Transcending the limits of our individual perceptions is critical to reaching a higher level of communication and will thus improve our quality of life.

Image result for receptive listening

Re-source: Receptive

We are aiming for empathic listening

  • This is the type of listening that puts you in the other person’s head and in their frame of reference.
    • So you truly understand what they’re feeling and get what they’re saying.

Benefits of listening empathically

  • You get trust and greater openness
  • You get exact information of what is going on, rather than just projecting your issues and acting on assumptions.
  • Allows you to create true and lasting communication and resolution

Like almost everything, highly empathic listening is a skill and can be improved with practice.

  • Paying attention to other people’s body language gives insight to how they are feeling.
  • Small gestures can make a big difference on how one is perceived and can go a long way in conveying authenticity and interest.
    • Smiling is a powerful tool that puts people at ease
    • Are arms uncrossed and posture open to invite conversation and interaction
    •  Maintaining eye contact (someone who isn’t looking you in the eye is avoiding something)

craving and resource from ““Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels