Likeability is an ability to create positive attitudes in other people through the delivery of emotional and physical benefits.
Likeable people bring out the best in others.
- “Students become better learners when they experience warmth and friendliness, when they receive praise, recognition, and respect.”
Likeable people get recognized.
- “Best companies to work for” studies, found that organizations with positive employee relationships produce 15 to 25 percent more productivity.
- The reason is that managers have that connection with their employees, and enjoy loyalty from their employees.
- The employees look for solutions, and they don’t need to be micromanaged because they want to see the manager succeed.
We have discovered that children’s social relationships are the outcome most affected by the parenting practices, specifically positive parenting.
- These factors include high praise, agreeableness, supportiveness, and positive interaction.”
So how do you raise your Likability factor? You raise it by improving the four elements of likeability:
- Friendliness
- Relevance
- Empathy
- Realness.
Re-source: Relevance
Relevance has three levels; contact, mutual interests, and value.
- Each delivers distinct psychological benefits that boost likeability.
We prefer dealing with people who are like us.
- It’s easier to understand one another when we share some things in common.
- a common language, similar backgrounds, common interests.
- Commonality unites people and reduces conflict.
A perspective shift happens when you see the world in a new way, resulting in new rules, values, and realities.
- “Will this fix anything?”
- “Is this how I want to be remembered?”
- “You are welcome here.”
- “I should be helping you.”
Unfriendliness is weakness. Friendliness is strength.
craving and resource from “The Likeability Factor” by Tim Sanders