ICRAVE Knowing Who I Am, and What I Want From Life

Image result for what do I want from life

Who are you? What do you want from your life?

  • Ask that question and once you know the answer write it down.
  • Write down exactly what you want for your life.
    • your life vision your life purpose

Once you have that, go over it every single day every single day.

  • Create pictures in your mind.
  • Write down how you were going to get that life.
  • What do you have to do to claim that life?
  • Who do you have to be to claim that life?

Most people when asked, “What do you want from life?” cannot answer the question.

  • They don’t know what they want for their own life.
    • They’re just wandering around here aimlessly.
  • Most people don’t even know what they really want for their own life.
  • Guess where people who don’t know where they’re going to end up end up?
    • Someplace they don’t want to be that

Have you really been living the life you want to live, or are you living the life others expect of you?  

  • Have you settled for something you don’t really want just so you can fit into this world, because it was easy?
  • Do you change who you really are to fit in with others?

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Resource: Reenforce

Get quiet. Get in a space alone and ask yourself, “Who am I?  What do I really want for my life?

  • What do I need to do to live my best life?
  • What is my purpose?
  • Why must I do this?
  • What example do I want to set to everyone around me, especially those I love; those close to me?
  • What legacy do I want to leave?

Once you have that clarity and clear purpose you can get to work making every day your best day.

  • Growing and evolving
  • Every day setting the example of a great life
  • Every day loving the life you are living

Claim that life today.  Don’t put it off any longer. You deserve better. You deserve to live a life as yourself.

  • To speak and live your truth
  • To live your fullest potential

Not only do you deserve it, but you owe it to the future generation

  • You owe it to this world to inspire others to follow their dream life.
  • to live their fullest highest expression of themselves

You can decide to conform. You can decide to fit in.  That’s certainly easier and certainly more comfortable, but you can also decide to live your best life while you are alive.

  • Why not leave the elastic impression on our family, our loved ones, and future generations?
  • Why not set the example of happiness
  • the example of a fully lived life
  • the example of love peace and true joy that all come from being free of opinions and just going for what you wanted

craving and resource from Fearless Soul – “Who Am I and What Do I Want For My Life?”