ICRAVE Knowing My Shadow

Your shadow is that within us that we have dis-owned, turned away from, and/or kept in the dark.

We all have a shadow

  • A tendency when we are in pain to turn away from
  • That what we turn away from gets relegated to that zone of us we call shadow
  • The extent that we have not brought our conditioning into the opening
  • It is where a lot of our energy is trapped.
  • It is as if a piece of us has been compartmentalized and pushed aside

Turn toward that place in us (dark zone) and slowly but surely bring it into the open.

  • Get acquainted and intimate with it until it is not so dreaded or distant

Journey to the art of what really matters.

  • To become more whole, vital, alive
  • To have trapped energies available to us for life affirming purposes.

Re-source: Reflection

Finish the end of these sentences spontaneously:

  • What I tend to keep in the dark about myself is…
  • What I least want others to know about me is…
  • What I tend to blind myself to is…
  • The emotions I am least comfortable with are…
  • The dreams where I was trying to escape someone or something; that particular something was…
  • What I am least willing or most scared to express in a relationship is….
  • Completing these sentences feels…

The point is to turn toward our shadow.  Turn toward whatever we are keeping in the dark. 

As we get closer to our shadow, we start to realize that it is us in a darkened disguise.

  • But we won’t know this until we leave the safety of our conventional self and move toward our shadow lands.
  • It doesn’t matter how fast we move in that direction.  What matters is that you move towards that direction.

craving and resource from “Knowing your Shadow” by Robert Augustice Masters PHD