ICRAVE Kindness Gratification

Exercising Kindness is a gratification in contrast to a pleasure.

  • As a gratification, it calls on your strengths to rise to an occasion and to meet a challenge.
  • Kindness is not accompanied by a separable stream of positive emotion like joy, rather it consists in total engagement and in the loss of self-consciousness.
    • Time stops

Re-source: Reward

Where does happiness come from?  Having Fun or Acts of Kindness?

Engage in one pleasurable activity and one philanthropic activity and write about both. You may notice that…

  •  The afterglow of the pleasurable activity (watching a movie or eating a hot fudge sundae) was much less than with the philanthropic action.
  • When our philanthropic acts were spontaneous and called upon personal strengths, the whole day went better.

craving and resource from “Authentic Happiness” by Martin Selegman