Equal and Opposite Reaction

  • The person who intends hatred for others, experiences the intention of hatred from others
  • The person who intends love for others, experiences the intention of love from others


  • The Golden Rule is a behavior guide that is based on the dynamic of karma
  • A personalized statement of karma would be, “You receive from the world what you give to the world.”
  • Karma is not a moral dynamic. Morality is a human creation.  The Universe does not judge.
  • The law of Karma governs the balancing of energy within our system of morality and with those of neighbors
  • It serves as an impersonal and universal teacher of responsibility
  • Every cause that has not yet produced its affect is an event that has not yet come to completion
    • It is an imbalance of energy that is in the process of becoming balanced.
    • That balancing of energy does not always occur in the span of a lifetime
    • The karma of your soul is created and balanced by the activities of its many personalities including you

If a child dies early in its life, we do not know what agreement was made between that child’s soul and the soul of its parents or what healing was served in that experience.

  • Although we are sympathetic to the anguish of its parents, we cannot judge this event
  • If we were the parents of this child, we may react in anger, guilt, etc. 
  • All of these reactions create karma or lessons for the soul to learn (karmic debts to pay)

Re-source: Re-balance

In order to become whole, a soul must balance its energy.

  • It must experience the effects that it has caused
  • The energy imbalances of the soul are the incomplete parts of the soul that form the personality
    • Personalities in interaction are souls that are seeking to heal
    • Weather an interaction between souls is healing or not, depends upon whether the personality involved can see beyond itself and that of the other personality to the interaction of their souls.
      • This perception automatically draws forth compassion
      • Every experience and every interaction provides you with an opportunity to look from the point of view of your soul or from the point of view of your personality
      • In practical terms – we cannot judge what we see.
        • If someone is sleeping in the gutter during the winter, we do not know what is being completed for that soul. (maybe that soul engaged in cruelty in another lifetime and now has chosen to experience the same dynamic from an entirely different point of view)
        • Do not perceive it as unfair (it is not our place to judge)
        • We cannot understand the reasons why personalities are hostile, selfish and greedy. These are hidden from view.
        • We do not know what is being healed through unfathomable sufferings (holocaust, prolonged agony of death by cancer, life confined to a bed, etc.) or the details of the energetic circumstance that is coming into balance

craving and resource from “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav