• The Golden Rule is a behavior guide that is based on the dynamic of karma
  • A personalized statement of karma would be, “you receive from the world what you give to the world.”
  • Karma is not a moral dynamic. Morality is a human creation.  The Universe does not judge.
  • The law of Karma governs the balancing of energy within our system of morality and with those of neighbors
  • It serves as an impersonal and universal teacher of responsibility
  • Every cause that has not yet produced its affect is an event that has not yet come to completion
    • It is an imbalance of energy that is in the process of becoming balanced.
    • That balancing of energy does not always occur in the span of a lifetime
    • The karma of your soul is created and balanced by the activities of its many personalities including you

Re-source: Reveal

Equal and Opposite Reaction

  • The person who intends hatred for others, experiences the intention of hatred from others
  • The person who intends love for others, experiences the intention of love from others

“The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav