ICRAVE Joyful Success

Image result for reshape success

“The real secret of success is enthusiasm.”           – Walter Chrysler

  • Enthusiasm – one with the energy of the Divine. (Latin meaning)

Joy is a feeling we can feel no matter what else is going on. 

  • The way to create joy is to do things joyfully. 
  • It’s one of the easiest feelings to create. 
    • We need only remember to create it.

A career or profession is when the thing you love doing most is what you also get paid for doing, so you can do it all the time.  “The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.”   – Richard Bach

Re-source: Reshape

shape or form (something) differently or again

When we realize our Dream, sometimes a deeper dream reveals itself. 

What’s the true value of setting a goal and achieving it?  It’s not obtaining the goal, but what we learn about ourselves along the way.

  • To get to our dream we must be focused, disciplined, persevering, caring, worthy, excited, enthusiastic, and passionate. 
  • Goals come and go, dreams fade, but these qualities travel with us wherever we go
  • It’s not the having, It’s the getting

This is our true wealth – the riches we take with us, the joy we carry inside, the support we learned to give ourselves, and the self-loving that flows as a natural byproduct of that support.

  • “Don’t repay kindness; pass it on.” 
  • “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”               – Albert Einstein

craving and resource from “DO IT! – Let’s get of our buts – by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams