ICRAVE Intuitive Energy

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By awakening your intuition, you can access your full energy.

You’ll be operating from a spot inside that’s juicy, core-felt, authentic

  • Not from an impulse to conform of disown your strength. 
  • You won’t be seduced by what may look good but betrays your gut. 
  • Intuition is a truth detector. 
  • When you deviate even a nano fraction from your inner voice, your energy will wane, whether a subtle seepage or radical bottoming out. 
  • The more ferociously faithful you are to this truth, the more energized you’ll be.

Intuition offers a direct line to your life force and also. It’s the language of energy.

You need to speak it to thrive, though our techno-crazed society doesn’t recognize this essential fact.

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Re-source: Reveal

Signs of Positive Energy in People

  • They exude an inviting sense of heart, compassion, and support.
  • You intuitively feel safe, relaxed, wanting to get closer.
  • They emanate a peaceful glow.
  • You feel better around them.  Your energy and optimism increase.

Signs of Negative Energy in People

  • You experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted, or attacked.
  • You intuitively feel unsafe, tense, or on guard.
  • You sense prickly, off-putting vibes.  You can’t wait to get away from them.
  • Your energy starts to fizzle.  You may feel beleaguered or ill

The following intuitions give rushing away:

  • Your energy feels scattered.
  • You have little or no awareness of your body.
  • You experience a subliminal or overt sense of panic.
  • Your ability to listen is impaired, as is your memory for details

When you’re in sync you can experience emotional balance, physical stamina, patience, Excitement, and/or passion.

When you’re out of sync you can experience ongoing fatigue, emotion numbness and/or irritability.

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff

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