ICRAVE Interpreting the Language of Energy

Positive and negative experiences register a memory in cell tissue as well as in the energy field.  Our emotions reside physically in our bodies and interact with our cells and tissues.

Each area of the body transmits energy on a specific, detailed frequency; and when we are healthy, all are “in tune.” 

An area of the body that is not transmitting at its normal frequency indicates that location of a problem.  A change in intensity of the frequency indicates a change in the nature and seriousness of the illness and reveals the stress pattern that has contributed to the development of the illness.

Re-source: Reveal

If a person is able to sense intuitively that he or she is losing energy because of a stressful situation – and then acts to correct that loss of energy – then the likelihood of that stress developing into a physical crisis is reduced, if not eliminated completely.

But when exhaustion continues, even when the person is getting more sleep, the body is trying to communicate that the person is “energetically ill.”  Responding to this message at the energy stage can often prevent the development of an illness.

craving and resource from “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss