Whenever people cross our paths, there is always a message for us.
- Otherwise they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later.
- The fact that these people are here means that they are here for some reason.
Chance encounters do not exist. But how we respond to these encounters determines whether we’re able to receive the message.
- If we have a conversation with someone who crosses our path and we do not see a message pertaining to our current questions, it does not mean there was no massage. It only means we missed it for some reason.
- What we should do in this situation is stop what we are doing no matter what and find out the message we have for that person, and that the person has for us.
- Once humans grasp this reality, our interaction will slow down and become more purposeful and deliberate.
- Sudden, spontaneous eye contact is a sign that two people should talk.
- Also seeing someone who looks familiar, even when you’ve never seen the person before.

Re-source: Receptive
able or inclined to receive : open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions : able or willing to receive something, especially signals or stimuli.
The universe is energy, energy that responds to our expectations.
- People are part of that energy universe too, so when we have a question, the people show up who have the answer.
Humans are unique in a world of energy in that they can project their energy consciously.
- It is done by appreciating the beauty of an object until enough energy comes into us to feel love.
- At that point we can send energy back.
When we appreciate the shape and demeanor of a person, we can then send them energy, lifting them up.
- Really focus on them until their shape and features begin to stand out and they have more presence
- The first step is to keep our own energy high, and then we can start the flow of energy coming into us, through us, and into the other person.
- The more we appreciate their wholeness and their inner beauty, the more the energy flows into them, and naturally, the more that flows into us.
- The more we can love and appreciate others, the more energy flows into us.
- That’s why loving and energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for ourselves.
When the energy goes into others, it helps them see their truth. Then they can give this truth to you.
- Feeling this beam of energy opens them up and enhances the possibility that they will know what to say to you.
- However, this mutual exchange of energy is only possible when there are no hidden agendas or attachments to specific outcomes.
craving and resource from “The Celestine Prophesy” by James Redfield