ICRAVE Intention

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Intention is a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habitual patterns. 

  • It’s there even before our actual conception. 
  • We have the means to attract this energy to us and experience life in an exciting new way.

“Intent is a force that exists in the universe.  When sorcerers (those who live of the Source) beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.”

– Carlos Castaneda

By banishing doubt and trusting your intuitive feelings, you clear a space for the power of intention to flow through.

  •  Clinging to attempts to think or reason your way to intention is futile. 

“Doubts arise because of an absence of surrender.”

– Ramana Maharshi

The secret to manifesting anything that you desire is your willingness and ability to realign yourself so that your inner world is in harmony with the power of intention.

Image result for reconnect to intention

Re-source: Reconnect

In mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly.  The word coincidence does not describe luck or mistakes.  It describes that which fits together perfectly. 

  • By combining free will with intention, you harmonize with the universal mind. 
  • Rather than operating in your own mind outside of this force called intention, your goal may very well be to work at being in harmony at all times with intention. 

Recognize the signs that you’re out of harmony with intention. 

  • When life appears to be working against you, when your luck is down, when the supposedly wrong people show up, or when you slip up and return to old, self-defeating habits
  • You can and will reconnect in a way that will bring you into alignment with your own purpose.

“All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall receive them.”  

Mark 11:24

In this scriptural quotation, you are told to believe that your desire has already been fulfilled, and then it will be accomplished. 

  • Know that your thought or prayer is already here. 
  • Remove all doubt so that you create a harmonious thought with universal mind or intention. 
  • When you know this beyond doubt, it will be realized in the future. 
    • This is the power of intention at work.

craving and resource from “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer