There is a big difference between motivation and inspiration.
- Motivation is when you get a hold of an idea, you take it and you won’t let anybody interfere with it, and no obstacles will stop you.
- Inspiration is the opposite. Inspiration is when an idea gets a hold of you, that it takes you where you were intended to go before you ever showed up here in the first place.
Everything in the universe has a dharma – what you are here for, what your purpose is.
- Our dharma is our calling, our divine mission, what we came into this world to be.
We and those responsible for our parenting often disregard that our destiny and all that we need to fulfill our Dharma is built into us.
- We are the only creatures that are capable of ignoring our dharma, and trying to become something that someone else programed for us
- Or to become something that we think will make us more money, or give us more prestige.
- Unfortunately, many of us get motivated by these external kinds of things
“Our mind doesn’t know the way, our heart has already been there, and our soul never left. Welcome Home.”
– Neville
- Having arrived home, each breath we take is an expression of our life’s purpose.
- We no longer struggle to win, to gain the approval of others, to meet expectations others had for us, to acquire, to achieve, etc.
- We let go of conflict, certainty, being right, fighting, dominating, and feeling superior.
- Ego loses its power when we arrive home where meaning and purpose welcome us.
“Your intuitive nature begins to take over, and you begin to attract the right people, events, and circumstances in your life. They just show up. You get to a place where synchronicity becomes an energy and you begin to trust in it. You begin to see it coming and get out in front of these things that used to cause you suffering, and now are able to deflect them. You can make them go away.
– Carl Jung
Re-source: Reconnect
Return to your original nature with these cardinal virtues (by Lao Tzu)
- Reverence for all of life – Your original nature is first and foremost reverence for all of life. It acompasses forgiveness which is the ability to give love in response to the negativity
- The natural sincerity – more than honesty about who I am as a human being and I present myself this way. (the natural honesty)
- Gentleness – manifests itself a kindness. When kindness is your nature, it is all (the only thing) you have to give away.
- Supportiveness – “Giving to others selflessly and anonymously, radiating light throughout the world and illuminating your own darkness, your virtue becomes a sanctuary for yourself and all beings.”
craving and resource from “Making the Shift” – How to Live Your True Divine Purpose – by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer