- Just as we are about to give up, the answer is whispered into consciousness
- Long odds, but can be attained
- We do some of our best thinking when we are half asleep.
- With a problem, set the alarm clock a few minutes early so we can lie in bed and receive the answer
- Trying to force an insight can actually prevent the insight

Re-source: Relinquish
- Focus can inhibit the creative connections that lead to breakthroughs
- By suppressing the type of brain activity that should be encouraged
- Intense focus comes with real trade-offs
- Attention can inhibit the imagination
- Sometimes it helps to consider irrelevant information
- Focus can make us fixated on the wrong answers
- Insight arrives after you stop looking for it?
- Caffeine meant to stimulate such activities can actually make epiphanies much less likely
- Stimulants shift attention away from the right hemisphere
- Ignore the neurons that might provide the solution
craving and resource from “Imagine” -How Creativity works – By Jonah Lehrer