Inner transcendent experience concerns the degree of closeness we feel to the objects around us.
- Pathways to the mystical
- Stands out with a new sense of form and presence
- Feels closer to us,
- Seem to have more presence
- Literally jump out at us and demand attention
- Sense of oneness with all things
- Seems to be part of us
- Uplifting sense of security and euphoria is a key measure
“This experience is one of sensing that everything around us is part of our larger, cosmic self, and is now seeing through our eyes.”
Alan Watts
Certain locations have proved especially conducive to such state of mystical awareness. A shift of consciousness sometimes occurs at sacred and wilderness sites on the earth.
- (Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids, The Grand Canyon, Machu Picchu, etc.)
- Almost always incredibly beautiful
- They may have waterfalls, grand cathedral forests, or long vistas across spires of pure rock and desert.
- Or they may be buoyant with artifacts or ruins that carry the energy of ancient people.
- In any case, something about the majesty and physical being of the site lifts and stretches our inner awareness.
- We feel physically at one with everything around us and with the whole of creation, a sensation that fills us with inner security and well-being and wisdom.
Non one, of course, is qualified to assess whether you yourself have experienced such an inner opening to the divine except you.
- That’s why the experience has always been so elusive and mysterious.
A sense of lightness – just like the way we feel when we’re on a fast elevator headed down or like a sensation of almost floating. We feel an energy that begins to fill us from within, and at the same time removes tightness and stress within our muscles.
- The energy now emanates from this central source
- Sense that we are hovering or floating over the ground
- Experience gravity in a new way
- Feel more buoyant, as though a channel of spiritual energy begun to inflate us from within
Re-source: Re-enhance
Many religions have its own method of attaining a greater connection with the larger universe. But all assert that humans beings, while being intimately connected to this subtle energy (called prana or chi), are unusually cut off from its higher levels.
- Various disciplines of these Eastern religions are designed to awaken this relationship, and spectacular results have been documented.
- meditation, martial arts, etc.
- Certain Easter Yogis have displayed unbelievable feats of strength, control over their bodies, and the ability to withstand extreme heat or cold.
“Zone” experience – During this experience, we find ourselves shifting in awareness, usually beginning with a feeling of total immersion in the action.
- Our bodies begin to feel different, as though they are moving more efficiently, more gracefully, more completely in unison with our goal.
- sports and recreational activities
- Feel a part of the flow, part of the whole moment, as if we know in advance what is going to happen.
- In this way, we react spontaneously, in concert, so as to be in just the right place at the right time.
- In the zone, or during peak experience, we have the sense that time slows down as our consciousness rises to a higher, more omnipotent point of view.
craving and resource from “The Celestine Vision” by James Redfield