ICRAVE Inner Success

Success is not looking outside yourself or something that you don’t have.  It is about reaching inside to find what is already there.

  • Most unsuccessful people live from the outside in
    • They are driven by their baggage instead of being inspired by their soul

Take time for honest introspection and notice the patterns of your life. 

  • Have respect for yourself and review who you are becoming by your actions and non-actions. 
  • Pay attention to what is working or not and make adjustments with a positive attitude. 
  • Know that everything counts and take full responsibility for your actions and your lives. 
  • Be a truth-seeker ever-improving your life and making a difference in the world.

Re-source: Recondition

To change the conditions of your life you must become aware of the way you are using your mind.

  • From the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we close our eyes at night to drift asleep, our minds are filled with thoughts passing through our consciousness.
  • We are like radio receivers.  We tune in and track certain thoughts just like tuning into a radio station brings you news or music by that station. 
  • “Thought comes to us by the use of our brain and by the focus power of the mind.”
  •  The new thought of today is “Train your mind, change your physical world.”

craving and resource from “Ask and you will Succeed” by Kenneth D Foster