ICRAVE Inner Space

Your inner body

  • It is not solid but spacious. 
  • It is not your physical form but the life that animates the physical form. 
  • It is the intelligence that created and sustains the body, simultaneously coordinating hundreds of different functions of such extraordinary complexity that the human mind can only understand a tiny fraction of it. 
  • When you become aware of it, what is really happening is that the intelligence is becoming aware of itself. 
    • It is the elusive “life” that no scientist has ever found because the consciousness that is looking for it is it.

Your physical body, which is form, reveals itself as essentially formless when you go deeper into it.  It becomes a doorway into inner space. 

  • Although inner space has no form, it is intensely alive. 
    • That “empty space” is life in its fullness, the unmanifested Source out of which all manifestation flows. 
      • The traditional word for that Source is God.

Re-source: Refresh

At this moment, can I sense the presence of inner space, which really means, can I sense my own Presence, or rather, the Presence that I Am? 

Or we can approach this truth using a different pointer.  Ask yourself, “Am I aware not only of what is happening at this moment, but also of the Now itself as the living timeless inner space in which everything happens?” 

  • Although this question seems to have nothing to do with the inner body, you may be surprised that by becoming aware of the space of Now, you suddenly feel more alive inside. 
    • You are feeling the aliveness of the inner body – the aliveness that is an intrinsic part of the joy of Being. 
    • We have to enter the body to go beyond it and find out that we are not that.

Through complete acceptance of the form of the Now, you become internally aligned with space, which is the essence of Now. 

  • Through acceptance, you become spacious inside. 
  • Aligned with space instead of form:  That brings true perspective and balance into your life.

craving and resource from “New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle