ICRAVE Inner Response Ability

Most people are mixed up when it comes to understanding their emotions, and how they react to things in their lives. 

  • Most people put the responsibility for how they are feeling and what they are experiencing in their life on something outside of themselves.
    • “You hurt my feelings.”  “You are making me feel bad.”  “You are embarrassing me.”  “You made me unhappy today.”

Live the notion that “Everything I experience in my life is a result of my perception of whatever is out there in the world.”

Nothing outside of you can make you unhappy, miserable, depressed, stressful, fearful, etc.

  • There are only people thinking stress-fully, fearfully, etc.
  • Nobody else can control your emotions. 

Image result for its my life i am in control

Re-source: Refine

It is a real low level place to be when you are questioning your value/worth/esteem as a human being. 

  • It is another low level when you are always focused on “I got to prove my value on the basis for you to like me.”

If you blame someone else for something else outside of yourself, then you rely on someone or something external to yourself to bring you up.

  • Alcohol, drugs, approval, money, etc.

Love and accept everything that you are right now. 

  • When you take every moment in your life and see it as complete and whole, and total; then the things you want will start arriving in your life.

craving and resource from “How To Be A No Limit Person by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Image result for How To Be A No Limit Person by Dr. Wayne Dyer