ICRAVE Inner Intuitive Knowing

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As you become more aware and attuned to your inner center, you will learn to distinguish between impulsive desires and intuitive knowing.

Inner knowing usually blossoms over time and subtly influences our direction. 

  • Although intuitive thoughts can be equally compelling, there is always time to reflect before acting. 
  • Attentiveness rather than efficiency.  Gentle flow rather than speed.

Intellect-centered messages might:

  • Be based on scarcity, fear, or guilt
  • Be based on protecting oneself
  • Be compelling, with no time to reflect
  • Be quick answers, and feel out of context with your flow
  • Be quick answers, and feel out of context with your flow
  • Be the first thing to come to mind
  • Feel like a desperate need

Intuitive-centered messages are:

  • Loving and reassuring
  • Persistent
  • Encouraging and positive
  • Not usually demanding immediate action
  • Rarely radical without smaller steps to initiate change.

Re-source: Reassessment

When you listen to your intuition and feelings, you are plugged into a universal current that will show you where you are stuck, happy, sad, confused, or angry.

Stay alert to any messages that a coincidence is bringing you. 

  • Learn to probe it for meaning. 
  • What ideas does it connect together for you? 
  • Why is it coming now? 
  • If it appears to be a disappointment, what positive result might there be? 
  • What action might it be suggesting?

When to Take Action – Take action only when your feeling is inviting, open, and positive.  Then the actions you take will be aligned with the Higher Will. 

  • You will need less effort to get positive results. 
  • For instance, after you have done your energy work to create results, you may have an urge to call someone.  Before you call this person, stop for a moment, get quiet, and imagine yourself calling.  If calling feels warm, good, and inviting, then call.  If you feel resistance, if your energy drops, or you have any other negative feeling when you think of doing something, wait.

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.  Conscious breathing is my anchor.”

craving and resource from “Experimental Guide of the Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne