ICRAVE Inner Direction Value

Everyone, past all of their defenses, wants to feel significant, unique, special, important as a human being. 

  • You can’t do it by living in the future.
  • You cannot feel fulfilled by someone else’s accomplishment. 

Nothing is more important to you as a human being than having a daily sense of purpose

  • a vision of your life. 

“If one advances in the direction of his own dreams and endeavors, to live the life that he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours?”              – David Thoreau

  • When you take the risks and advance confidently, and to do the things that mean something to you, success ironically follows you in ways that you never dreamt were possible for you. 
  • But if you chase success (paychecks) then there is no inner peace.  When you lack inner peace, you lack a reason for living.  You lack a sense of purpose.

Image result for inner direction

Re-source: Reveal

Would, could, should, might, maybe, must – You hear it all the time. 

A no limit person is inner directed. 

  • They consult their inner signals, to decide what is right or wrong for themselves and to decide about their own life mission of what they are going to do. 

Progress is impossible if you always do things the way you have always done things. 

  • As long as you are willing to stay as you are, or to stay only with the familiar and not take risks, try new things; then it is impossible to grow and have progress. 
  • No limit people are excited by the unknown.

craving and resource from “How To Be A No Limit Person” by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Image result for How To Be A No Limit Person by Dr. Wayne Dyer