ICRAVE Humility

Image result for Humility

Why is the sea king of a hundred streams? 

  • Because it lies below them.
  • Humility gives it its power. 

Therefore, those desiring a position above others must speak humbly. 

  • Those desiring to lead must follow. 

Thus it is that when a sage stands above the people, they do not feel the heaviness of his weight; and when he stands in front of the people, they do not feel hurt.  The sage stays low so the world never tires of exalting him.  He remains a servant so the world never tires of making him its king.

Tao Te Ching

Be humble; stay low; and be a generous, grateful leader.

  • Never assume that you know what’s best. 
  • Stay low, speak softly, and remain humble
  • Let others be in control of their lives as much as is humanly possible. 
  • No one should feel the heaviness of your directions or be hurt by your instructions.

Humility is akin to surrendering to a force greater than your ego, giving credit to that Source, and being grateful for any wisdom and influence that’s given to you by that power. 

Image result for be like water

Re-source: Reshape

to shape again or into different form

Act just like water and use a soft approach. 

  • Steady drip, drip, drip of gentle but resolute kindness, acceptance, and love.

Remember to stay flexible, willing to lower yourself in humility and appear weak, but knowing that you’re in harmony. 

  • “Serene in the midst of sorrow,” and evil will not be able to enter your heart.

Water is so soft that it can’t be harmed, damaged, or destroyed.  It simply returns to its Source to be used over and over again. 

  • Boil it until it disappears, and its vapors enter the atmosphere, ultimately to return. 
  • Drink it, and it returns after nourishing your body. 
  • Pollute it, and it will return after enough passage of time to become purified nourishment again. 
  • This is all accomplished because of the element’s mutable softness.

Stay in your soft mode. 

  • Hang back when you’re about to show how hard you can be. 
  • Try patience rather than attempting to rigidly control. 
  • Trust your innately gentle self.

When you begin to admire and emulate those who stay weak and pliable, you’ll see the true strength. 

  • Give up interfering and helping, and opt instead to stream like water – gently, softly, and unobtrusively – wherever you’re needed.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Image result for Change your thoughts, Change your life by: Wayne Dyer