ICRAVE How to Deal with Haters

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Achieving a successful life of significance isn’t easy.

  • It’s a constant uphill climb, and along the way, you’re sure to cross paths with your fair share of naysayers, or what the cool kids call haters or trolls.

As a matter of fact, having a contingent of haters is probably a good sign that you’re on the right track.

  • But even though it’s normal doesn’t make it any easier to deal with the doubt and soul-sucking negativity.

If you’re human, any shadow of a doubt can deter you from leading the life of significance that you were born to live.

  • Entertaining the negativity of naysayers can stall, if not completely thwart, your progress.
  • Deal with haters and forge ahead for success!

Image result for keep perspective

Re-source: Reassociate

To associate again; to bring again into new relations.

Maintain a clear vision. You have to make sure your compass is always pointing in the right direction.

  • You’ve got to have goals, baby.
  • A clear vision not only provides the ultimate litmus test, it also helps keep you centered.

Keep haters in perspective. We have a tendency to focus on the negatives.

  • Instead of reflecting on all our successes and the countless votes of support and encouragement, we tend to think about that one negative voice.
  • Block that out, and instead, highlight the bright spots.

Not everyone with a different viewpoint is a hater. When we view everyone with a different viewpoint as a naysayer, we’re selling ourselves (and them) short.

  • Constructive criticism is tremendously important for personal and professional growth.
  • Sometimes, the people who tell us what we need to hear (but don’t want to hear) are the folks who care for us most.

Don’t apologize to haters. You may think that haters will go away if you apologize, but that’s like adding fuel to a fire.

  • To them, apologizing means they win, and not only don’t they deserve that, it also means they’re likely to heat up even more.

Don’t let past hurts and fears influence your reaction today. If you were ever bullied as a child, there’s no question that insecurities can impact how you feel today when met with naysayers.

  • Learn to look at what is happening through your mature, experienced adult eyes—not your hurt child eyes.

Keep a “success file” for those tough days. Some days are harder—much harder—than others to deal with criticism. These are the types of days when a success file comes in super handy.

  • A success file is a place where you keep positive, encouraging notes, emails, cards, letters and the like.
  • These are affirmations that can help remind you that the good far outweighs the bad—so much so that it’s laughable.

Feel empathy for haters. Unfortunately, most naysayers might appear to be pathetic, sad, lonely people who can only feel something by bringing others down. 

  • It may seem odd, but lift them up, as you may not understand what they are going through.
  • Send them love and hope that things will get better.

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com