ICRAVE How My Mind Works…

Ask and you will find the answer

  • Questions focus the mind
  • When you change your focus you will consequently bring in a new awareness
  • When you change your awareness, it will change what you know.
  • When you change what you know, you will have a new understanding
  • When you change your understanding, many times your feelings will change
  • When you change your feelings, you will most likely change your actions and ultimately change your destiny
  • This is the power of asking the right questions
    • It puts you in charge of a compelling destiny

Thinking is a process of asking and answering questions.

  • You are constantly engaged in this activity
  • The average person has about 60,000 thoughts per day
  • What most people don’t know is that the average person also asks the same questions over and over resulting in the same 60,000 thoughts the next day.
    • Is it any wonder why things stay the same?
    • How can things change if you think, say and do the same things over and over?
    • Focus your mind in a new direction and change the questions that you are asking for real change to take place.
  • If you want to change your conditions, you must change your thinking process

Re-source: Reveal

make (previously unknown or secret information) known

Practice listening to yourself

  • Ask anything you want to know and then wait quietly and observe your thoughts.
  • You need not make any effort.  Just sit in silence and observe from the depths of your total stillness.
  • As your intuition swings into action, you will clearly hear the answers to your questions.
  • This lucid voice will open up your creativity and allow you to connect to your inner source of truth
  • You will recognize what you truly believe and what actions you want to take with ease and grace

Introspection is a mirror in which you can sort out where you are strong and what is impeding you.

  • Find out who you are and not what you fantasize yourself being

craving and resource from “Ask and you will Succeed” by Kenneth D. Foster