Even though we occasionally have the clear insight that something more is going on in life, our habitual way of thinking is to consider such ideas unknowable and then to shrug off the awareness altogether. Once we see the historical background to our awareness, it seems more valid.
- What’s really important is the world view of each historical period, what the people were feeling and thinking.
- History is supposed to provide knowledge of the longer context within which our lives take place.
- History is not just the evolution of technology; it is the evolution of thought.
- By understanding the reality of the people who came before us, we can see why we look at the world the way we do, and what our contribution is toward further progress.
- We can pinpoint where we come in, so to speak, in the longer development of Civilization.
- That gives us a sense of where we are going.
This kind of historical perspective, at least from the point of view of western thought, places predictions of our future in a longer context that seem not only plausible, but inevitable.
- We can see that we have been preoccupied with material survival, with focusing on controlling our situation in the universe for security, and we know our openness now represents a kind of waking up to what is really going on
Although each person seems separate and independent, all of us are connected to patterns of intelligence that govern the whole cosmos. Our bodies are part of a universal body, our minds an aspect of a universal mind.
The amount of consciousness you bring to the collective mind is part of your contribution.
- Every thought, decision, and action we make each day creates our continuing reality. We are acutely aware of this when we set concrete goals.

Re-source: Review
In order to see larger patterns at work in your life, you might want to think back over the major sections of your life and write down what your main lessons have been.
- This is a very helpful procedure for revealing how your beliefs, values, and expectations change.
Observe culture not just from the perspective of our own lifetimes but from the perspective of a whole millennium.
- It reveals this longer history. You now live in a longer now.
- When you look at the human world now, you should be able to clearly see this obsessiveness, the intense preoccupation with economic progress.
Do you feel as if you have a clearer perspective on the human world? Do you see how preoccupied everyone has been?
- How many people do you know who are obsessed with their work, who are type A or have stress related diseases and who can’t slow down?
- They can’t slow down because they use their routine to distract themselves, to reduce life to only its practical considerations.
- And they do this to avoid recalling how uncertain they are about why they live.
- Begin to listen for statements that people make about life. How do you see them buying into the old ideas of life.
- How do you see them buying into the old ideas of scarcity, competition, and all the “problems out there”?
An awakening has begun. Break free from the modern age’s secular preoccupation, and open your mind to a new, more truthful view of the world.
- To feel more secure, we systematically pushed away and denied the mysterious aspects of life on this planet.
- We crafted the illusion that we lived in a universe that was entirely explainable and predictable, and where chance events had no meaning.
- To maintain the illusion, we tended to deny any evidence to the contrary, to restrict scientific research into paranormal events, and to adopt an attitude of absolute skepticism.
- Exploring the mystical dimensions of life became almost taboo.
Realize that our common destiny is to live life from a more spiritual point of view
- Be aware that you have chosen to live at this crucial time in history.
- Ask support from you higher self to give you clear messages.
- Recognize the amount of time you spend trying to control events or people.
- Choose enjoyable activities. Do less out of a sense of obligation (which is different from responsibility).
- Choose one activity that you are willing and able to let go of right now with a clear conscious.
- Having fun and creating more open time raises your energy level and increases your chances for coincidences.
- Acknowledge any support you receive with gratitude.
craving and resource from “The Celestine Prophesy” by James Redfield, and “Experimental Guide of the Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne