ICRAVE Higher Consciousness Connection to Universal Energy

Gateways to Higher Consciousness

  • Seeing a dazzling light accompanied by a feeling of joy
  • Feeling absolutely secure and loved
  • Feeling ecstatic
  • A feeling of lightness, buoyancy
  • Understanding intuitively how the universe works
  • Releasing all fear of death, seeing the continuum of life

As you practice direct connection to universal energy, the most important measures are a background feeling of love (not connected to any one object) and contact with your interior knowing or hunches. 

If you are truly connected, you will feel love. 

  • Otherwise you are not in contact with your source.

Re-source: Receptive

Morning Intention

“Today I intend to stay in the moment and be open to what the universe has to say.” 

With eyes closed, imagine a ball of light in the middle of your forehead. 

  • Allow it to expand throughout your whole body and into your world. 
  • As you send this light out into all areas of your life, feel the serenity of knowing that you are alive and on purpose.

craving and resource from “Experimental Guide of the Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne