ICRAVE Hidden Virtue

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Living by hidden virtue allows you to get the most out of life because it means seeing that it’s your choice and responsibility to decide how you’re going to spend it.

  • Its about feeling your total freedom
  • To produce without possessing
    • and to keep from becoming a possession yourself. 
  • To give without expecting
    • and don’t be victimized by the expectations of others.
  • To not attempt to control anyone
    • instead, foster growth without dominating or ruling.
  • Be concerned not with obedience but with benefit
    • and you are at the core of living.

Honor the Way and value its virtue

Re-source: Re-envision

Have joyful awareness that you potentially have an infinite effect on the universe.  Be like a wave of energy that illuminates a room – everyone will see the light and become affected. 

  • “In each person I see, I see the face of Christ in one of his more distressing disguises.” (Mother Teresa)
  • Recognize and live your life as part of the Great Way, and help bring balance into the World.
  • “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
  • It’s said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, that energy flows thousands of miles away.
  • “To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.”
    • (by William Blake)

Be conscious of how very much you matter to all of creation.

craving and resource from “Change your Thoughts, Change your Life” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer